Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dangerous Mollusk (if you're a shark)

The Mollusk Phylum includes clams, squids, octopus, and snails.  See what happened when the Seattle Aquarium put a mollusk in the shark tank.

Most Dangerous "Insects" in America

This article from Camping Life Magazine lists the most dangerous ARTHROPODS in the United States.  Most of the animals featured are not insects but arachnids or centipedes.

Click HERE to read the article.

Bill Nye Video - Invertebrates

For CSI Students

Click HERE to read an article from NPR about a new iPad app from the Centers for Disease Control.  This app has been designed for kids and teachers to use to solve mysteries about how diseases spread.

I thought some of you might be interested in this.

Insect Videos

Click HERE to watch videos about amazing insects.  I like the first video about parasitic wasps!

Also click on the above link to play games about insects.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Phylum Cnidaria - Jellyfish and Sea Anemone

A video from our favorite Canadian biologist showing the anatomy of jellyfish and sea anemone.

Clam Dissection

Mollusk Phylum

1.  Evolutionary Biology Website
     Pictures of a clam dissection.

2.  CLICK on the pictures to make the blurry pictures clear.  Pictures of clam dissection.
3.  Biology Junction Virtual Clam Dissection
     It may take a minute for the pictures to load but they are large, clear and well-labeled.

4.  Clam Anatomy Dissection Part I

5.  Clam Dissection Part II

6.  Clam Dissection Part III

7.  Clam Eating Salt

Sea Star Dissection

1. Evolutionary Biology Sea Star Dissection Pictures

2. Youtube Dissection Video

3. Youtube video of a sea star feeding.  Notice that it's stomach is coming out of its mouth!

4.  Other Echinoderms (Sea Urchins and a Sea Cucumber) run for their lives from a giant sea star.

Earthworm Dissection Links

1.  Evolutionary Biology - Earthworm
         pictures of earthworm dissection

2.  Earthworm Dissection on Youtube with our favorite Canadian biologist